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July 18, 2022

Park Ranger Stories

Park Ranger Stories

On this Episode, On this Episode, Don and Ted tell the stories of National Park Rangers and things that they have encountered while out in the back country. 296 million people visit the US National Parks each year, some encounter these strange things while the rest are a part of the lucky ones . They are weird scary and just down right creepy. What is out there? Join us as we discuss them


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Email : wizardsoddpodcast@gmail.com

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Please don't forget to support our good friend author C.Howard Rieling

Remember to get Curt's Newest work: Hands and Feet this is available on Amazon ,Kindle and at https://chowardrieling.comOn this Episode, Don and Ted tell the stories of National Park Rangers and things that they have encountered while out in the back country. $296 million people visit the US National Parks each year, some encounter these strange things while the rest are a part of the lucky ones .