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Sept. 15, 2022

Smurl House

Smurl House

 Ted and Don talk about the Queen, a haunted house and a Ghostly call. With the death of Queen Elizabeth, we would have been remiss not to talk a little bit about her and her reign. The Smurl house was a BIG thing in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Was it real? Was it a hoax? We will talk about that. And finally an update on a ghostly visitor to a listener’s home

Do You have an interesting story you want to tell us? Or one you would like us to talk about ? Or do you Just wanna be part of the show? Contact us

The Odd Line: 732-820-0502

Facebook: Wizards of Odd

Email us today @ wizardsoddpodcast@gmail.com

Don't forget to check out our new Website @  www.wizardsofoddpodcast.com

Check out our appearance on the American Loser Podcast by using the link below


Please don't forget to support our good friend author C.Howard Rieling

Remember to get Curt's Newest work: Hands and Feet this is available on Amazon ,Kindle and at https://chowardrieling.com