On tonight's Episode Don and Ted talk about Indrid Cold the Grinning Man
The Grinning Man is reported to be human-like in appearance, though is commonly associated with UFO activity and is sometimes believed to be an alien. It is also believed possible that he is connected with the Men in Black. In his first sighting, he was described as being over six feet tall and wearing a reflective, green suit with a black belt. He had a dark complexion and small, beady eyes set far apart.
According to reports made by Woodrow Derenberger, Indrid Cold came from a planet named Lanulos in the Genemedes galaxy, and that there were two other "grinning men" by the names of Demo Hassan and Karl Ardo.
You can read about Woody Dennenberger's experiences with Indrid Cole in his Book. " Visitors from Lanulous-My contact with Indrid Cole"
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