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Oct. 25, 2022

So you think you know Jack?

So you think you know Jack?

On tonight's episode, Ted and Don talk about  a few things that have been on their radar and 1 thing that kind of just came up.

Who was Springhill Jack? I'm not sure that we know that even now. Listen and you tell us who you think he was. But I guarantee one thing, you still won't know Jack.  

Coffins? Sure, How many and what size? Wait .... What did you say?  16?? How Big??  Well, this is a mystery that I'll bet you didn't see coming.  I'll let the story speak for itself.

Look, up in the sky ,it's a bird, it's a plane, it's a what??   Sky link satellite system sightings and description of what it actually is.

Halloween Night special appearance and Live stream on the American Loser Podcast 

Do You have an interesting story you want to tell us? Or one you would like us to talk about ? Or do you Just wanna be part of the show? Contact us

The Odd Line: 732-820-7831

Facebook: Wizards of Odd

Email us today @ wizardsoddpodcast@gmail.com

Don't forget to check out our new Website @  www.wizardsofoddpodcast.com

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Check out our appearance on the American Loser Podcast by using the link below


Please don't forget to support our good friend author C.Howard Rieling

Remember to get Curt's Newest work: Hands and Feet this is available on Amazon ,Kindle and at https://chowardrieling.com

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